So Nate buys an apartment in Murray Hill. The very idea that someone raised in his world would buy an apartment in Murray Hill (despite where is pot dealer lives) is arguably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The absolute most ridiculous thing I've ever heard is that living in the Village and Morningside Heights is basically like a long distance relationship. Most definitely. Is. Not.
Living apart from your significant other in Philadelphia and New York, that's long distance. Living apart in New York and Chicago, that's long distance. Living in the Village and Morningside Heights; that's not only the same state, it's the same freaking island. Give me a break you two, you don't even like each other. How are you going to live together in a neighborhood that is basically the Frat Row of New York? With your headbands and your Brooks Brothers suits. Puh-lease.
Neither of them would last a minute in Murray Hill. Or the Village. Or Morningside Heights. You can trust me on the last one. 113th and Manhattan Avenue will crush you Nate Archibald. Crush you.
Ahhh Harlem memories!