Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Paranormal State + Sex Diaries + Wearing an Awkward Headset = Wait, What?

I read this week's Sex Diary this morning. (I've said it once, I'll say it again. Bitches be crazy.) While watching Paranormal State. (Scary West Virginia Prison!) This was the strangest coming together of interests that has possibly ever occurred. The juxtaposition of a 20 year old not having any sex and people locking themselves in haunted prisons for days at a time is mind boggling. I did all of this while getting ready for a job interview.

By job interview I of course mean computer assessment that takes place between the phone interview and the upcoming panel interview. (While I was waiting for my interviewer in the lobby a woman at the front desk broke into hysterics over what I gathered was a sick father. While I sympathize, even empathize, not the time nor the place sister.) The computer shut down in the middle of the test. So I had to go get the administrator she had to restart the program and I had to start all over again. But before I could start all over the headset (oh, there was a headset) stopped working. So I had to start all over. Again.

I can't decide weather to blame my overly voyeuristic need to look into other people's sex lives or the fact that I spent the morning listening to people talk about Satanism but, I'm pretty sure something here is interconnected, just trying to figure out what it is.

In other Job Hunt 2k10 news: when you type marketing into CareerBuilder, Electrician positions pop up. Is this a step in the right or wrong direction from Automotive Technician?

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