Friday, June 4, 2010

How Did This Thing Become Such An Issue?

So this is sitting at my house. Has been. Since like, March. I recently cleaned out my closet and rediscovered it. (OK, I knew it was in the closet the whole time but now its sitting on my floor so it has become an issue.) Why do I have this? Long, unimportant story. How did I end up being the resident giant-Miller Light-March Madness-bracket-keeper? How would I not? Who else is going to color code that thing by round? (All you boys who thought just a plain black Sharpie was fine for the whole thing, you were wrong. That thing looks way awesome in full color.) The whole point here is, I'm not sure what to do with it. It feels wrong to throw it away, though it isn't good for anything anymore. And yes, I have been having this discussion with myself since the tournament ended and yes, it is June now. So if anyone has any suggestions as to what to do with the giant Libation Station March Madness bracket, I would really, really appreciate it.

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