Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Have I Mentioned I Coach A Softball Team?

Because I do. I don't play softball, I coach. I'm also an excellent scorekeeper. Oh and I bring great snacks (Orange slices! Birthday cookies!) and beer to the games. (If beer didn't tip you off, yes, this is all happening for full grown adults.)

This is all well and good during our Wednesday night games, (Don't forget about Parents Watch Day, coming up in just a few weeks!) but not so much during our practices. Oh yeah, I said practices. We've held more than one. Anyway, there's no scorekeeping or lineup tending to be done. Snacks at a practice seems overboard, even for me. I can't bring beer to every event we hold so yesterday's practice involved not a lot of action.

Naturally by 'not a lot of action' I mean, I spent 45 minutes at an elementary school watching 5 dudes hit balls in the direction of another softball team at practice. They were 7 year old girls.

The good news here is, I was told, 'At least you look good.' And really if you're going to sit there and stare vacantly into space for any period of time, you may as well look good doing it.
This post is dedicated to TW, Co-Founder of the Libation Nation.

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