Monday, March 22, 2010

Because That Granola I Had For Breakfast Makes This Totally OK

I am, by no means, an unhealthy eater. Yes, I occasionally have Skittles for breakfast. And yes, sometimes I eat giant bowls of homemade popcorn, covered in butter and popcorn mix (a delicious mix of powdered cheddar cheese, salt, marjoram, garlic powder and some other tasty, tasty things) the night before 9 mile runs. (Note, don't eat that much salt before doing things like that. You will regret it at about mile 4.) Admitting to all that begs the question: who hasn't done those things at one point or another? According to the calculations (and rationalizations) of one of the top 5 healthiest people I know (also a vegetarian) (Meaning she is healthy and a vegetarian, not that we are both vegetarians. Go meat!), pizza counts as a good recovery meal after a run because it has carbs, dairy, and veggies. (Let it be known, I 100% agree with this logic. In fact, I'm shocked I didn't come up with that myself.) The point is: everyone has their moments.

The life long love for cooking means I eat at home at nearly every meal, even pre-move, so I know where all my food comes from and what's in it. When I eat, I tend to eat small portions. I try to have only one glass of soda a day, if that, and mainly drink just water. Recently, I've even been adding things like ground chicken and turkey into my repertoire, trying to eat more fish, always have a vegetable or a salad with lots of veggies in it with dinner, etc. The point is: I'm really a decently healthy eater.

Tonight, after dinner, I decided I wanted a little something sweet. I went into the freezer and had a fruit bar, literally pureed, frozen fruit, arguably the healthiest dessert ever, in my hand. That's when I spotted the bag of frozen mini-Snickers.

Can you guess what won? Slash can you guess how many of those little guys won?

Did I mention the 1/4 pound of peanut M&M's I ate work today? Yeah.....


  1. Pizza is a great recovery meal and for the record I felt full satisfied and went for seconds about 2 hours later ; )

  2. Like we said today: pizza, multiple bagels and eggs, cheesesteaks.... There's alot of options here.
