Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Ryan Seacrest Ruined My Day

In this house, we like to listen to music while we shower. (If you've ever been in this house you know this because some of us listen to our music very, very loudly.) (Oh yeah and note to John Mayer, even if I was in a blissfully happy relationship, I'm pretty sure your music would still break my heart. That being said, if you are at all heartbroken do not listen to any John Mayer music. It'll definitely make you want to light yourself on fire. I'm pretty sure this is why Britney Spears was invented. To serve as the antidote.) I suppose we get bored really easily and need something to get us through that 15 minute time span. Most of the time I choose to listen to CD's. Not today friends. Not. Today.

Today I chose to listen to the radio. I generally only listen to the radio when the siblings are home from school as one of those siblings chooses the radio for shower time. Epic mistake.

I turned the radio on to the last minute of a song I hate. Then Ryan Seacrest came on and said something stupid about cougars. (The Mrs. Robinson kind, not the animal. Is that implied these days?) Then it immediately cut to commercial.

This may seem like a silly thing to be so upset about that you feel compelled to write about it but, I mean, it is the little things in life. Isn't it?

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