Saturday, March 6, 2010

Turns Out, I'm Not That Crazy

Seriously! It's a miracle!

I read in a magazine today that Taylor Swift Twittered something to the effect of, "I just used a Sharpie as eyeliner in the airplane bathroom."

This officially makes using a Sharpie to color your few, stray, grey hairs really not so weird at all. In fact, it almost makes it downright normal. I mean, I know putting it on your hair can't be like, really, really good for it, but, I figure you can multiply that by like 10 for your face. There is definitely no way that is good for your face. Not to mention how much face washing it would take to get that off. I feel as though one would need a chemical peel to completely remove it. This does, however, lead me to believe there is something to be said for getting your eyeliner just tattooed on your face. Which someone once in fact thought I had done as I have mad skills at putting eyeliner on. (Seriously. I said it. I don't have a ton going for me so, little victories.)

In other news: I pretty sure this also makes Sharpie markers the most versatile beauty product I've heard of since I learned you could use conditioner as a fabulous replacement for shaving cream.


  1. I read the same "loose talk" statement and I thought the exact same thing. What the hell is she using to remove her makeup? Nail polish remover? I used to try to remove those pesky black x's off my hand after entering bars it stayed on my hands for days. Insightful post:)

  2. I literally read it and felt immediately justified in my crazy. And you're totally right about the X's from bars thing! Those take forever to come off. Sister must be crazy.
