Thursday, April 23, 2009


Things That Are Not Awesome:
  • Locking yourself out of your apartment when all you want to do is buy meat for taco night. OK, there isn't really an official taco night but I had taco stuff and was going to make tacos for dinner and locked myself out leaving to buy ground beef.

  • Pens fans pouring out of Mellon Arena with 4:05 left in the game. Yes, we were losing in a miserable fashion but I expected more from you.

  • Trying to treat yourself to a six-pack of Corona for your birthday (while you're out buying the ground beef you locked yourself out of the apartment for; the keys in question are to the right) and finding out that it costs $13.00. Thirteen Dollars. I should have just treated myself to the freaking pony instead.

Things That Are Awesome:

  • The weather report for State College this weekend. God Bless heat waves.

  • Still trying to come up with a #2 & #3 for this but it really isn't going well.


1 comment:

  1. Meant to tell you Happy Birthday on said Birthday but my Facebook time is few and far between these days. anyhoo, happy belated birthday!

    Your blog is hilar. keep it up.
