Monday, April 20, 2009

Gossip Girl, You're Killing Me and MTV, You Are No Better.

TV: You are my favorite. You've known this for years. From 8 pm to about 11 pm every night you can find me parked very comfortably in front of my TV eating up my favorite shows. I have no shame in this. You love music? I love TV.

First up on Mondays, the ever wonderful Gossip Girl.

Dear Gossip Girl,

While your 73 week hiatus this season almost drove me to the edge, I can forgive you because somehow, against all odds, you manage to take my breathe away.

Serena got married in Spain. Sort of. Maybe. Please. Not only are you torturing poor Dan but you are KILLING ME. The last scene shows us she's inevitably going to be stuck in some weirdo three way plot line that will do nothing but make not an ounce of logical sense.

Also, I have never liked Blair and Nate together. Obviously, Blair and Chuck are 100% perfect for each other. (Insert Blair and Chuck! Blair and Chuck! chants here.) Those eyes would sweep me off my feet too, but Chuck needs some loving. The kid has had a really rough year kind of needs a break. Which brings me to my next point:

Little J, why are we bringing up the Kiss On The Lips party? That was so long ago its like it never even happened. Oh, I guess since you're no longer throwing renegade fashion shows or using a whole tube of eyeliner everyday you just needed some attention? Got it. This in no way means I approve of Chuck's attempt at sexual assault, I'm just saying, that was like the third episode of last season and you're not bringing it up until now. Doubt it.

Next week, who knows what that preview was trying to tell me but at least you'll be on again. Right?


P.S. Seriously? Who plays Flo Rida during a Seder meal scene? I may not be Jewish but I know no one is listening to a song with the words "You spin my head right round when you go down," during a holy meal. Take a page from the book of just about any other program on television and talk to the person who selects the music for your show. Better yet, fire them.

The later part of my evening brought me to old faithful, MTV.

Dear MTV,

I am less than a week away from being 24 and you've got me again. Every time I try to run away you somehow reel me in again. The Hills has always had me. I think pseudo reality is just dynamite. Couples counseling in your twenties? Ex-boyfriends who don't shower? Impromptu trips to Hawaii? Perfect. (I think as long as you are willing to accept that none of what you are watching is reality, there is absolutely no problem enjoying this show.)

My problem with you my non-music playing friend is that you have captured me for yet another half-hour a week with the new show College Life. I have officially been out of college for about two years now and here I am knee deep in the freshman year of four students. They're at the University of Wisconsin and I'm still enthralled. (I'm a Penn State Alum. I'm genetically predisposed to hate anything that may pose a threat come football season.)

Is it my sad want to relive my glory days? Is it that I simply enjoy watching young kids making bad decisions? I have no idea but congratulations, you got me.


So while you college freshmen enjoy your Monday night beer pong, this old timer is heading to bed. In a Baltimore Best Western. At a bus stop.

Yes. It is wanting to relive the glory days. Yes. That is the corner of my old beer pong table.

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