Monday, February 22, 2010

Easily One of the Stranger Conversations I've Ever Had

On Saturday I went to Baltimore for the Frozen Bikeless Bike Tour. This is a annual event that involves copious amounts of alcohol and very brightly colored sweatshirts. This year it also involved the following conversation via text.

Random 716 Phone Number: heyy :)

Me: Who is this? I got a new phone. (It was group consensus that this is the most democratic answer to texts from people who's numbers you don't recognize. That way if you do know the person, you're not exactly offending them. Hopefully.)

716#: mandi :)

Me: Mandi. I'm not sure we know each other.

716#: mike?

Me: Not Mike. Sorry wrong number.

716#: im so sry hun 2 bother yu..

Me: No worries!

(Now, let's all keep in mind she said she was sorry to bother me. Where I come from "I'm sorry to bother you" means "I realize that I'm interrupting your day and I'm sorry for that and I'm going to stop interrupting your day now." Not to mention we have already established I am not the boy who's phone number she thinks she got. Whoever you are Mike with the phone number similar to mine, thanks a bunch.)

716#: who is this thn, if yu dnt mind me askin

Me: Um, I'm just a girl from Buffalo.

716#: ru datin a guy named jon (Seriously.)

Me: Nope.

716#: ok gd lol haha take care thn

Now after we realized I wasn't Mike but then we learned I was a girl, why did we assume I might be dating Jon? How does Jon even play into this at all? I may not know alot about the etiqutte of accidentally texting random people but I'm pretty sure about 90% of that makes about 0% sense. But now that it's out there in universe, what do we suppose the story is here? I'm pretty sure I don't care but I'm also fairly certain I have to know now.
If anyone has any information regarding Mandi, Mike, Jon, and the apparent torrid love affair brewing between them, please post it in the comments.

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