Thursday, February 18, 2010

Everywhere I Go. Everywhere.

Denver is a fantastic city. In fact, I'll go so far as to say Colorado is generally awesome. Tons to do, tons to see, so much outdoorsy-ness. In my case, too much outdoorsy-ness. (Should I try to submit that word to Webster's? I'm thinking maybe.)

Fox and coyote in Buffalo are scary but they are nothing compared to the wildlife spotted on my vacation. I do not know what those things are but they were terrifying. On a drive from Red Rocks (amazing even if there isn't a musical act there) to Lookout Mountain (which I don't have a good picture of because I let my camera die and is also why the pictures (and by pictures I mean picture because Kristen can't figure out how get two photos on one post without the formatting being wacky) of creatures are not of the highest quality) the ride suddenly came to a dead stop. It took a minute to figure it out but all of a sudden we realize there are literally THIRTY of these deer/elk/moose/goat hybrids trying to cross the road. Anything that cannot be positively identified is the enemy. (I still don't know what these things are even though I know I read about them at the Science Museum the next day. Note to self: pay more attention when learning things.) I could swear they were looking at me, waiting to charge. I was 100% sure they wanted to eat me.

As it turned out all hundred million of them just crossed the road and went along their way. I suppose this is not surprising as I'm always convinced all kinds of animals are going to attack me and they never do. But the minute I let my guard down I'm totally going to be someones lunch. It. Is. Coming.

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