Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There's Something About Getting Away

I'm not one to get to emo on the blog here. I don't really wax poetic about my life and my dreams and what happens during my marriage and divorce. I write about wanting to be Lil' Wayne, how I feel like racoons are always out to attack me, and other generally mundane musings of suburban life.

This is not one of those days.

Today we do wax poetic and we do so about traveling. I have only seen half of Up in the Air (coincidentally this past weekend) but I can tell you I am 100% a kindred spirit of George Clooney's character. There is something to be said for knowing how to travel because if you know how to do it, there is nothing better. You hate airports? I love them. You can't sleep on a plane? I'm out like a light. You think hotels are gross? I'm well known for stealing all the toiletries because I love to reuse them. I also have a rule of thumb: If you know someone who lives somewhere and they are willing to put you up for a few days, DO IT. There are not going to be an unlimited number of times you are going to be able to find a place to stay, not only at no cost, but with people who can show you a place for what it really is, not for what everyone else sees. Also, when else do you have the opportunity to cruise through 5 issues of New York magazine cover to cover. When?!

It had been a while since I had been anywhere, sans a quick overnight in Philly, followed by a weekend in State College, and I have been itiching to get out. We all know I love, love, love Buffalo but that doesn't mean you can stay here 365 days a year.

So one Gchat conversation, a spin around the Orbitz website, six pairs of shoes packed for 4 days, and it was done. Impromptu weekend in Denver was set. Details will follow about the fabulousness, but this is simply here to say, how wonderful it is to get away.

(That was not meant to be so emo that it rhymed but I guess if we're going down the rabbit hole, we may as well really jump down there....)


  1. I know another place you can go...it starts with chica and ends with go! BTW I never knew you had a blog. LOVE IT! I actually was condsidering starting my own since my job involves helping other people set them up. I love yours. Love you topics love the background. Nice work!

  2. Just put the blog out there for the world so don't worry, you're not far behind. My next trip to Chicago is already planned in my head; it's coming once a little warmer weather is on the horizon. And thank you for the wonderful comments, see you soon love!
