Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Like I'm Watching Animal Planet 24 Hours a Day

I have bad luck with animals. Household pets are not so bad but anything that comes from the outdoors I don't get along with very well. I pulled a blanket out from under my bed yesterday that has holes in it from being eaten through by a mouse. (The blanket has been super washed since this happened and it was like over a year ago so I figure it's safe now.) There have been deer tracks through our lawn (through the lawn, in the landscaping, they may as well pull up a chair on the deck and have a margarita) lately and I'm terrified of coming home some night, parking my car, getting out to get in the house and being face to face with effing rabid Bambi ready to eat my face off. This has yet to happen but I know it will based on today's little visitor.

I was driving down Heim Rd. in Getzville this evening when I saw a cat scampering across the road. Slowing down so I would not hit said cat I made a shocking discovery. What I thought was a poor little lost cat was actually a fox. A fox. A little red fox with a little black tail and pointy little teeth. Now Heim Rd. isn't exactly a freeway but it's also not surrounded by a national park. There are literally houses up and down every square inch of the street. There's a freaking middle school on it for God's sake. What is a fox doing just running around, across the street, from house to house like this is Animal Kingdom?

If anyone has an answer to this other than, "You're encroaching on their land and they have no place left to go so they just scamper around willy-nilly," I'd love to hear it.
Fun fact: If you Google Image search just the word 'fox' you'll mostly just end up with pictures of Megan Fox. In her underwear. Which would be great. If I were a 14 year old boy.

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