Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Soccer Momification of K. Fahn, Part Deux!

So... I posted about turning into a soccer mom and then I posted about doing very anti-Biggest Loser things while watching The Biggest Loser. I didn't realize until today how not only is it very not Biggest Loser-esque making Martha Stewart No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Bars, but how very motherly it is. Later today I decided, what the hell, why not really take things to the next level.

And by next level I of course mean crafting.

Yeah, please refer to this link. The project named Mom's Magnetic Board was the project I did today. Because I'm kind of like a 12 year old (really oxymoronic isn't it?) and moved home with my mom, I lost my very well decorated refrigerator in Philadelphia. I loved my refrigerator. I realize that a weird thing to take the time to decorate in your apartment is a fridge but it was my thing; let it go. Realizing I wouldn't have a fridge in my bedroom I decided the only logical step to hanging onto all my awesome magnets was a magnetic dry erase board. However, the idea of a stark white board hanging on my very grown up golden walls made me want to cry. Yes, this is seriously how my mind works.

A little bit of Googling and a serious trip to Michael's later I created my very own Mom's Magnetic Board. Albeit she's a little fancier and a little less embellished than the example but realizing the name of the project, well. I. Wanted. To. Die.

Turns out we have a theme for the week ladies and gentlemen. Kristen is becoming an adult. And by adult I of course mean, your dessert making, hockey team supporting, Crafty McCrafterson Mom.

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