Sunday, December 6, 2009

More Lessons in Homemaking

The Scene: My bedroom/My kitchen

The Players: Kristen and Georgie

Kristen, sitting quietly in her room, G-Chatting and job searching hears some mumbling from the first floor.

Me: What did you just say?

Mom: Hey Martha Stewart! Could you come down here for a minute and help me with something? (I kid you not, my mother actually shouted this up to me just to make fun of the fact that I had talked about feeling like I was 107 years old all week. She's a real spitfire.)

Me: I'm sorry; what did you say?

Mom: Seriously, I have a sh*tload of cinnamon sticks and cloves down here and I need you figure out what to do with all of them.

Yeah, that really happened. My Dad used to make tomato butter (I have no idea what tomato butter is as it always really grossed me out, but, I gather it involves tomatoes, cinnamon sticks, and cloves.) and hence we have piles of cinnamon sticks and cloves lying around and we have nothing to do with them. Georgie's way of fixing this problem: Call on me. Or Martha Stewart. Or po-tay-toe, po-ta-toe, as it were.

I spent the better part of my Friday night using said cloves and cinnamon sticks to make homemade teabags to use as Christmas gifts. Natch. This story has two points:

1. If you would like some homemade teabags for Christmas gifts, call me.

2. If you suddenly feel like you need someone to craft something for you, apparently, you can just shout at me whenever the mood suits you.

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