Monday, December 14, 2009

Murphy's Law, Or Something Like It...

I got my car washed today. Those of you familiar with the CRV know she gets pretty dirty and I generally wash her myself. Which of course means I wash my car about twice a year. Today, I finally took myself and the CRV on the adventure known as going through a car wash. I wasn't sure this was a fact until I actually got there but, I have definitely never ridden through a car wash before. It felt like Apocalypse Now in there. I was the worst person possible to be handling things like put the car in neutral! Hands off the wheel! Turn on your music so you aren't just hearing all those things (what are those things?) smack your car over and over again!

Anyway, I lived to tell the tale of the car wash so that's great. This was definitely a 'my car is covered in wintery grossness already, it would be nice to take a layer gross off' kind of wash. I had no expectations that my car would sparkle for days. Though the wash was very nice.

In an interesting plot twist I got home to my garage door being broken. It is currently stuck about 6 inches off the ground on its right side but is all the way to the ground on the left. Which means I had to park my very clean car in the driveway. The driveway that is out of doors. Where it rained for the better part of the evening.

I am now not only somewhat upset about my very clean car but I fear I will wake up to critters in the garage. Any number of things could squeeze through this opening and attack. Thus I will be up all night, worrying about the rabies.

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