Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dating Yourself: An Experiment

I have no problem doing activities alone. Many times I'd rather have dinner with myself and a copy of New York Magazine than with another human. (No offense to all those other humans I ever have or may ever have a meal with.) Considering dinner is an event I'd rather do solo a movie is clearly something I don't mind doing alone. In fact when you think about it, what's the point of going to a movie with someone else? It's not like you can chat with that person while you're there. It's not like you can share popcorn and a soda with everyone you might go to the movies with. I mean, I guess I can see the benefits of having someone to discuss the movie with after but suppose you loved the movie and the other person hated it? How fun is that discussion going to be?

Anyway, the point is, I like going to the movies alone. It's how I ended up crying in my popcorn during Up all by myself. (If you have not seen this movie (The heartwarming story of a crotchety old balloon salesman, his 8 year old boy scout friend, and a dog named Dug.), it came out on DVD today. Go buy it, rent it, something. Disney/Pixar: They have done it again. And yes you will cry. You will also laugh and quote it to people who have no idea what you're talking about for weeks.) Yes, crying all alone in a movie theater is a little weird (read: embarrassing) but really, worse things have happened. Could one of those worse things be being terrified all alone in a movie theater?

I've been desperate to see Paranormal Activity and I'm thinking tomorrow is going to be the day to do it. However, I don't know too many other people who can just go see a movie at 1 o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. This is where the question for my experiment comes in: I have no problem crying alone in a movie theater but will being scared alone in a movie theater keep me from sleeping at night?

Check back to find out what happens. Alternatively, if you do not hear from me I've probably frightened myself into some kind of institution. In that case, experiment FAILED.

1 comment:

  1. I also prefer the movies alone, I generally get irritated when other people talk to me during movies, not weird at all!
