Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reason #1 I'm Still Unemployed

Despite it's inherent insanity and complete fakeness, Gossip Girl is definitely still in my top 5 favorite television shows. Since the move home I have even started to make my mom watch it. Not because I think it's appropriate to watch shows with your mom that involve lost weekends and queen bee's but because to watch it in HD (and in what other definition would you want to see Manhattan?) I have to watch it downstairs where she resides most of the day. I will not go to bed on a Monday until after I see the week's episode. Due to last night's impressive Monday Night Football game, Gossip Girl had to be DVR'd and not watched until 1 A.M.

You're probably saying, why does it matter if you watch it Monday night or Tuesday when you wake up? Its not like you have a job, you could watch it anytime of the day or night, right? Wrong.

The first thing I do on a Tuesday morning (well after the first cup of coffee is poured) is turn on my computer. Do I head straight to Career Builder or Monster? Nope. I head straight for this. Because it's pretty much the only thing that gets me out of bed on a Tuesday. And by that I of course mean, I live for it all week long. Super productive way to start the morning.

In other news:

Dear Gossip Girl;

Worst. Threesome. Ever.


Anddddddd I wonder why the job hunt continues.

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