Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Stop, Microsoft Outlook. Next Stop, The White House.

This afternoon I went on my second and a half job interview. I would explain the half but it would really take a lot out of me. Let’s just say it involved 3 hours I’ll never get back, a man named Hal, and not only one of the best moustaches I’ve seen in a long time but also one of the best mullets.

Today’s experience involved a popular furniture store and was not a complete and total waste of time (it did however lack all of the inappropriate hair) but felt like valuable job searching experience. That is, until this conversation took place:

Interviewer: “Do you have a good working knowledge of how to email?”
Me: “Yes, I do. I used email everyday at my last job and communicate with my friends via email all the time.”
Interviewer: “Oh great, then you really have a leg up on everyone here. I’m definitely going to pass your name to my regional manager for a second interview.”

So based on this exchange I make the following inference: Being able to email equals being more qualified for a job than any of the people that already have jobs at said company so therefore if I put together all of my abilities that are similar (read: as simple or even just as this century) to this I am basically qualified to be President of the United States. Am I not?

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