Friday, January 22, 2010

I Have Begun Exercising

No, seriously, I have. OK, so it's only been 3 days. And it's only the Wii Fit but still, 3 days is a start and if you've never used the Wii Fit, don't knock it 'til you try it. Particularly if you, like me, are using the brand new Biggest Loser game you bought your Mom for Christmas. (No, my Mom hasn't used it yet but isn't that what being a mother means? Your kids use your money to buy you a gift that is really for them?) You can set up your own little training program, they give you diet challenges for the day (today I have to eat one raw vegetable), it's really a treat.

The first day my diet challenge was to prepare at least one meal at home. Which I did. It was ribs and potato salad. Do we think that's what they were talking about? I should probably mention here that's it is Friday and in the Fahnestock household which means Bocce's Pizza and wings for dinner so I plan on making that one raw vegetable the little bag of carrots that comes in the box.

In other related news, I may be losing my mind because I'm pretty sure I just signed up to run a half-marathon. More details on this one to follow. Also, jaws off the floor please assholes.

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