Thursday, January 28, 2010

Priorities Folks. Priorities.

I've been making an effort to get out and experience my surroundings. Granted this sometimes means really mundane things but that's the point of living in the suburbs, right? When I say mundane I of course mean I have been bowling three times in the last two weeks. That's more than I have bowled probably ever in my life but let me tell you, it really makes for a nice little Tuesday. So Tuesday was bowling (bowled over 100 (108 to be exact) for the first time ever! And yes, there are pictures to prove it.) and beers.

Wednesday was my first Team in Training meeting, (Got the training schedule, may God have mercy on my soul.) after which I went to my first Sabres game. (Big win! In a shootout! Go Pens!) Now all this activity meant I had to set up the DVR prior to leaving the house; ABC comedy Wednesday is unmissable. I get to the program guide only to realize that my shows are all on at weird times and are repeats because the State of the Union Address was last night. I do not know whether to be more embarrassed that I did not know it was State of the Union time or that I then proceeded to set the DVR to record repeats of all my shows and not the Presidential address itself.

Luckily, my good friends over at New York Magazine, saved my life once again. I am now not only caught up on current events but still got In the Moonlight stuck in my head all over again. (I looked really, really hard for a clip of this since I'm sure no one has any idea what I'm talking about but couldn't find one. I would recommend clicking here and if you don't have time to watch the whole half hour, click ahead to about the 19 minute mark to hear the awesomeness. I of course recommend watching the whole half hour, this is easily the funniest show on television right now.)

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