Monday, November 30, 2009
Lessons in Moving
On the other hand, watching marathons of this, has made me feel wayyyyyy better about the state of my stuff right now....
So a Happy belated Thanksgiving to all, get ready for serious excitement coming at you from the Queen City.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Really Wish I Had Thought About Live Blogging the CMA's
- "Why do all men in country music wear cowboy hats? Do they all share some kind hair problem the rest of us don't?"
- "Who invited Charles Manson to the show?"
That second comment is in reference to Jamey Johnson. If you try to Google a picture of him right now this commentary might seem a bit extreme. I would recommend searching tomorrow for something like 'Jamey Johnson CMAs' because if you see what he looked like this evening you will realize how much sense she's actually making.
In other news, I don't really understand why everyone is wearing bodysuits these days. (See: Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Click on that Beyonce link as it only furthers my case. Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg are there too. In the same outfits.) What's so wrong with pants? I love a good pair of jeans. Doesn't everyone else?
Then I was watching this awards show and saw Carrie Underwood. If I had her legs I would give up pants. For good.
Update: I actually cried when Taylor Swift won Entertainer of the Year. Something is clearly wrong with me. Clearly.
Experiment: Postponed
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dating Yourself: An Experiment
Anyway, the point is, I like going to the movies alone. It's how I ended up crying in my popcorn during Up all by myself. (If you have not seen this movie (The heartwarming story of a crotchety old balloon salesman, his 8 year old boy scout friend, and a dog named Dug.), it came out on DVD today. Go buy it, rent it, something. Disney/Pixar: They have done it again. And yes you will cry. You will also laugh and quote it to people who have no idea what you're talking about for weeks.) Yes, crying all alone in a movie theater is a little weird (read: embarrassing) but really, worse things have happened. Could one of those worse things be being terrified all alone in a movie theater?
I've been desperate to see Paranormal Activity and I'm thinking tomorrow is going to be the day to do it. However, I don't know too many other people who can just go see a movie at 1 o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. This is where the question for my experiment comes in: I have no problem crying alone in a movie theater but will being scared alone in a movie theater keep me from sleeping at night?
Check back to find out what happens. Alternatively, if you do not hear from me I've probably frightened myself into some kind of institution. In that case, experiment FAILED.
Reason #1 I'm Still Unemployed
You're probably saying, why does it matter if you watch it Monday night or Tuesday when you wake up? Its not like you have a job, you could watch it anytime of the day or night, right? Wrong.
The first thing I do on a Tuesday morning (well after the first cup of coffee is poured) is turn on my computer. Do I head straight to Career Builder or Monster? Nope. I head straight for this. Because it's pretty much the only thing that gets me out of bed on a Tuesday. And by that I of course mean, I live for it all week long. Super productive way to start the morning.
In other news:
Dear Gossip Girl;
Worst. Threesome. Ever.
Anddddddd I wonder why the job hunt continues.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Drinking a glass of wine is relaxing. Right?
- Set of Keys
- Spreadsheet
- A College Degree (Some kind of Doctorate might be helpful but I'll never know.)
- Google (This of course means you need a computer and a working Internet connection. Sometimes getting the Internet to work in this house requires an act of Congress.)
- Corkscrew
- Large Knife (A cutting board can be helpful so you don't chop up the kitchen counter.)
- Scissors
- Pliers
- One of those rubber things used to open jars (Do those have a technical name?)
- Decanter
- Funnel
- #4 Coffee Filter
- Coaster (And by coaster I of course mean a coaster that is made specifically for bottles or decanters of wine. No regular coasters will do in this house.)
- Plastic Wrap
- Hair Tie (Rubber bands will also work but hair accessories seem to be easier to find.)
I would explain why all of these things are necessary but frankly, I think that list tells you everything you need to know. The picture is of the finished product. I should have just stuck with Georgie's plan and learned to love Franzia.
My dad would be so proud.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This is Why I Don't Leave the House That Much
1. I purchased this shirt at Express to wear as part of my business professional wardrobe. Though mine is grey, you get the idea. A perfectly standard shirt for such purposes right? Wrong again Kristen, wrong again. It took me about 5-7 minutes to put this shirt on. To put a shirt on. That is because, inexplicably, this ‘button down (button up?) shirt’ does not unbutton. Alternatively, I had to shimmy it over my head. No one should do any shimmying at 8:30am unless it involves a night that has lasted wayyyyy too long. I later learned that said shirt actually (also inexplicably) has a zipper up the side to make it easier to put on. Lesson: Before purchasing a shirt make sure you are 100% aware of how it works. It’ll save boatloads of time in the morning.

4. From this point I made it almost all the way to the interview. Almost. As I said it was raining. Hard. I had not one but two umbrellas in my car. In the trunk. Since the whole idea of an umbrella is not to get wet in the first place I decided the best possible plan would be to crawl through the car to get it. In my business suit. And four inch heels. Did I mention I did this all for the world's largest KPMG golf umbrella? Which later fell off of what it was leaning up against and onto my interviewer. I should let you know I had to walk maybe 20 feet. Umbrella: Totally. Not. Worth. It. Lesson: Keep your umbrella at an arm's length. Alternatively, screw the umbrella and run like hell.
In other news, I did get offered the job. So apparently having the maturity and intelligence of a 12 year old can still get you pretty far in this world.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Faux Live Blogging World Series Game 6
Also, where has K. Hud been? Did the wives win?
First Stop, Microsoft Outlook. Next Stop, The White House.
Today’s experience involved a popular furniture store and was not a complete and total waste of time (it did however lack all of the inappropriate hair) but felt like valuable job searching experience. That is, until this conversation took place:
Interviewer: “Do you have a good working knowledge of how to email?”
Me: “Yes, I do. I used email everyday at my last job and communicate with my friends via email all the time.”
Interviewer: “Oh great, then you really have a leg up on everyone here. I’m definitely going to pass your name to my regional manager for a second interview.”
So based on this exchange I make the following inference: Being able to email equals being more qualified for a job than any of the people that already have jobs at said company so therefore if I put together all of my abilities that are similar (read: as simple or even just as this century) to this I am basically qualified to be President of the United States. Am I not?