Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaack

OK. My deepest apologies for my little breakski from the blog world. The traveling is not always conducive to sitting down and spilling your deepest, darkest thoughts on to the Internet. So get ready for some serious updates as to what you've missed since Monday May 11. OMG, can you believe it's Memorial Day already? I'm so stunned that I actually typed out OMG if that's any kind of bench mark for you.

Anyway, here starts the update, going all the way back to San Francisco. After the driving an hour out the way excursion, we arrived at dinner at The Fish Market in San Mateo. My review is good not great. Fabulous views, right next to the water, wonderful wait staff. Wonderful wait staff except it took until I ordered my dinner to be asked if I would like to order an alcoholic beverage. Apparently I don't look 21? Or I look like the type of girl who just wants water with her dinner? (Let it be noted I'm actually the kind of girl who wants vodka with her dinner. Lots of vodka.) The problem was the food wasn't the best food I've ever had. Not that everything is going to be the best food I've ever had but if you name yourself The Fish Market, my tuna better not be cooked medium. If you found yourself there I would recommend sitting at the bar and ordering some appetizers. Our appetizers were hands down more enjoyed than anyone's entrees. We had the crab cake, calamari, and some ahi that was melt in your mouth fresh. Obviously this is not the same tuna I was served for dinner. My serious recommendation would be, try another restaurant. I've been to better in San Mateo including but not limited to Left Bank for dinner, Shiki for sushi, or Specialtys for lunch. And by lunch I mean fresh, hot cookies.

While in San Francisco we also attended a Giants baseball game as a team bonding event. This was probably the most boring baseball game of all time, but great fun nonetheless. (For the sports fans out there it was the Giants v. Nationals. This was the biggest story of the day. Not at all entertaining.) If you ever find yourself up there and have the opportunity to go to a game at AT&T Park you must do it. It is a beautiful ball park and there are great views of downtown San Francisco throughout. If you're looking for something to eat there I definitely suggest the garlic fries. I'm not sure what it is about that city and garlic on french fries but they are all over that town and they are delicious. While it isn't so baseball-y I also suggest the Ghiradelli hot fudge sundaes. That is what heaven is like. I'm 100% sure of it. Also, that giant Coke bottle has dueling slides in it. Not that I've ever raced anyone down them. At the age of 22.

So that was my quick stop in San Francisco and the activities that came out of it. The trip home was not nearly as exciting as the trip there which was a welcome break. Except for the almost missing my connection thing. Which of course meant me, running through an airport. Anyone who knows me knows how often I run so this was a big deal for me. Like, a really big deal. So yes, I ran, looking like an idiot but I didn't miss my flight so looking like an idiot was totally worth it. Which leads me to a quick stop in Buffalo before moving on to the next.

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