Monday, May 25, 2009
I'm Baaaaaaaack

Monday, May 11, 2009
Sometimes Travel is NOT So Cool.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Shoutout To All The Moms Out There
In other news, my time in Buffalo is coming to an end (yes, I'll be hitting up The Station again tonight) so tomorrow brings us adventures in San Francisco. Get ready for really exciting stories about hour, after hour, after hour of meetings. Also, long naps on planes. There will be lots of stories about that.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Home is the Best.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
What Is This Country Thinking?

My mom asked me today what I thought about Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt's recent wedding. Had I seen any pictures? Do I think they're really married this time? Which got me thinking: Really married? This time? A timeline of events for those of you who don't eat US Weekly for breakfast like I do.
- The second episode of season 3 of 'reality' TV show The Hills entitled Big Girls Don't Cry (I am not sure on dates here. I never claimed to be a journalist.): Spencer proposes to Heidi for the first time, with possibly the ugliest ring ever. Seriously, never propose to me with a purple ring, I don't care how great an idea it seems because you are daring to be different. Dare to be different when you cook me dinner, not with my engagement ring.
- December 19, 2007: US Weekly publishes a cover story about why Heidi called off her wedding. We watched her do this at the end of the third season of The Hills. You know she flies off to Colorado to see her mom, drink hot cocoa, recover from more plastic surgery...but I digress.
- November 19, 2008: Heidi and Spencer 'elope' in Mexico after he gets her drunk. Alright to be fair, she was drunk when he asked her to elope, not during the actual ceremony. And I'm not sure it counts as eloping if you have a white, floor length dress you just happened to pack, flower arrangements, and the crew of US already there to do a cover story. But again, I digress.
- Sometime between then and the December 23, 2008 season 4 finale of The Hills: Heidi and Spencer go to a Los Angeles courtroom to make aforementioned elopement legal. And besides the fact that he stopped her part way through so she 'could have the wedding she always wanted' blah, sh*t, blah, the whole thing was a setup. A Los Angeles Superior Court official came out to say that MTV used the facilities after hours and whomever was sitting behind the bench was not one of their judges. So even if it had gone through, it wouldn't have been a real, official, legally recognized marriage.
- April 25, 2009: Heidi and Spencer actually get married. I would still like to see a marriage certificate but, yes, they actually tied the knot. A white dress, big church and Lauren Conrad in attendance? It had to be real.
So am I embarrassed at the amount of research I just did on this subject? Of course. But it brings me to my point: Have these two (yes these two making out in the surgical masks) not made a complete and total mockery of the sacrament of marriage? Have they not been engaged, unengaged, married, not really married, and married again just for the tabloid press?
Just wanting to be clear here: because they are a man and a woman they can do all of this (which basically makes marriage mean nothing if you ask me) to simply become more famous. Yet, we are worried that allowing same sex couples to get married might ruin the integrity of our country? Same sex couples who do not want more press but simply want to have the same rights as my mom and dad did or me and my future husband will have. It's all the gays and lesbians who are going to make a mockery of the sacrament of marriage?
Hmmm. OK. Great work America. Glad our priorities are straight here.
So to answer your question Mom: I don't think much of anything about this wedding. It just makes my heart hurt a little for all the people out there who actually deserve the right to be married. Oh and my stomach is turning a little.
Stepping off the soapbox now and returning you to your regularly scheduled programming.Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Am I the Only One Who LOVED Analogies on the SATs?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
There's No Way This Happens To Other People

Sunday, May 3, 2009
This Love/Hate Relationship is Really Leaning Toward Hate

Desperate Housewives: You desperately (pun intended) need to wrap up this Dave storyline. I know, I know; every season you have a mystery that runs from season open to season finale but we know that Edie just died like a minute ago so clearly he's not going to killing Susan. He's going to get caught for starting the fire, killing his shrink, etc. And then what? Then all we have is no more Edie and another gathering of neighbors watching cops and ambulances, (ambuli? What's the plural here?) gossiping, and acting like they are cold. (Please see the Dane Cook Retaliation show in which he was "In his kitchen cleaning a dish so he came out!)
Also, when did Jackson become Canadian? Was there evidence of this before he was forced on hiatus or are we grappling for plot points here? Also if she confessed her love for you would you even bother telling the woman you were marrying her for citizenship? Wouldn't avoiding it, mean you steer clear of not only some awkwardness but also the chances of her saying no, as well as create more stories later when they are married and she finds out why he really proposed? These seems like Storyline Writing 101 to me.
On the plus side (since I really am being Negative Nelly here) Gaby, I love you and your vanity. She is the reason I should never have children. If I'm going to some ball where my husband is being honored, I'm wearing makeup. How else am I supposed to be socially acceptable? And not scare small children and full grown men alike? I don't care what lesson my daughter needs to learn, I'll find another way to teach it to her. Yes, this is shallow. But I'm not this shallow about everything. I don't think.
This one isn't to all of Brothers & Sisters but mostly just to Calista Flockhart: If you have a role where you get to be married to Rob Lowe, you have it written into your contract that no matter what you will never break up with him. You will never have a trial separation, you will never fall in love with some dude from the park. You will have it written into your contract that you guys will make out all the time. Also you will be gazing into his eyes as much as you can. You never, ever agree to a storyline where you are ending it with Rob Lowe. That is just crazy. And incredibly stupid.
Friday, May 1, 2009
This Week in the Kitchen Has Been Dynamite.

That being said this week I made chili out of a mix that came out of a box. Not very chef like at all. But seriously, I have spent a good amount of time trying to make chili at home that I really, really like. I can never find a recipe (or variation on a theme) that has the right amount of spice, heat, kick; all the good stuff that makes chili, chili. But Wick Fowler's 2 Alarm Chili Kit is so awesome I can't believe it comes out of a box. All the spice comes in little packets in the package all you do is add ground beef, tomato sauce, and a little water. You can buy it online or in your everyday grocery store. The package looks a little different now than it does in the pictures in the website but it's the same delicious taste. My only recommendation is instead of the one 8 ounce can of tomato sauce and two 8 ounce cans of water, use one 28 ounce can of tomato sauce and then enough water to just rinse out that can. Also, throw in the entire packet of red pepper. Even if you're a little b*tch when it comes to spice, it isn't that hot. Serve with rice, shredded cheddar cheese, and tortilla chips. Has provided me with lunch for days and I couldnt' be happier. Or fatter.
I also brined and roasted a turkey breast this week from Ted Allen's The Food You Want To Eat. If you do not own this cookbook, buy it. If you have never brined and roasted a turkey breast, do it. I've liked about 90% of the things I've made out of this book and a turkey breast is so much easier (and smaller) than a whole turkey. Almost makes Thanksgiving seem like a waste.
On tap for Sunday, a roasted pork shoulder. Suck it swine flu.