Thursday, July 8, 2010
Responsibility Occasionally Eludes Me
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Have I Mentioned I Coach A Softball Team?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Nailed It
Friday, June 18, 2010
Just A Typical Monday Evening
The Players: Myself, S, J & Mom
A family enjoys a pasta dinner and the following conversation ensues:
S: Before I leave tomorrow I need to get some books to take back to school with me. I'm going to start reading.
Me: But you hate reading?
S: I know but I have to start. I need to become smart.
J: Wait, what?
S: You know, I need to read to become smart. Reading makes you smart. Doesn't it?
This is where the stunned silence sets in from the other 3 family members.
S: Wait, doesn't reading make you really smart?
This is where the uproarious laughter sets in from all 4 family members.
Mom: Are you kidding me right now?
Me: What does that even mean make you smart?
S: Well, I don't know? You just read to get smart right?
We continued to have this conversation for another 15 minutes, haphazardly trying to decide if 'Reading makes you smart.' Turns out, there really is no answer. I mean, the 3 people in the family who do read continued to have the conversation so really, who are we to say what smart is? (I'm not even sure that's a grammatically correct sentence....) (However, I did just spell check this, not a single misspelled word. So smart.)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Things You Should *Never* Call Me To Help You With
- You never want to ask me for dating advice.
- You never want to ask me to be a job reference for you.
I was asked for both of these things yesterday. How being a single girl with half a job qualifies me to help you with all that, I have no idea, but apparently it does? I mean, people asked me for the help right? Or maybe I was the only one who answered their phone....
Friday, June 4, 2010
Hint: They Sell Freaking Toys. Children's Toys!
You provide a wonderful email service, alerting me when jobs are available at your organization. It is delightful. I don't have to do any of the work, I just have to open the email.
You know what is not delightful? When I get the same email, with the same position available, that I have applied for 5 times, for which you have not called me for an interview once. Clearly you have yet to fill this position but apparently my spectacular-ness is not good enough for even an interview?
You my friends, are a bunch of idiots.
How Did This Thing Become Such An Issue?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Soooo Georgie Wants You to Put A Ring On It?
It's been a while. Sometimes, you need to be inspired to write about...nothing. Well, all that nothing finally inspired me this evening. The following conversation just happened between me and my mother:
While discussing Glee, and its upcoming season finale, we started talking about next season. Anyone who's a 'Gleek' (yeah, I am one, I'll say it) knows that next season they are casting a 'Carrie Underwood type' to be Rachael's arch nemesis. (If you don't know what that means, don't worry, it just means you aren't awkwardly obsessed with a television show.) The point here is, we're talking Carrie Underwood. Which leads to talking about Carrie Underwood's engagement to Mike Fisher. (It's the hockey thing, we can't help it.) Which leads to talking about Hilary Duff's engagement to Mike Comrie.... (I'll start you part of the way through the conversation, otherwise we might sound nuts. Fine, we already are nuts but, we'll try to keep it to a minimum here.)
Me: Well, yeah, but have you seen Hilary Duff's engagement ring?!
Mom: Yes, but Mike Fisher is far better looking than Mike Comrie. Doesn't that matter? Wouldn't you rather be Carrie Underwood?
Me: You are correct. He is better looking. Far better looking. BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THAT RING? If those are my options, come on! I'm never going to be an American Idol but I still have a shot at being a Canadian's Girlfriend.... He is Canadian right?
Mom: Yes. They are both Canadian. But the one who got the million dollar ring found the Canadian hockey player slash heir so, may want to work on the American Idol thing too. Good luck with all that.
So in case you were ever wondering what the conversation is like between mother and daughter, there it is folks. Million dollar rings, Canadian hockey players, and TV shows that literally have no effect on anyone's life. So here's to family and all the wonderfulness that comes with it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So Many Questions: Answered

Monday, May 10, 2010
Best. Weekend. Ever.
Seriously, I had a weekend full of give-a-ways and it was unparalleled.
1. While Mother's Day shopping at Badding Brother's Farm Market (Look it up. If you live anywhere near Transit Rd., do your produce/plant/pumpkin/Christmas tree shopping there. It is amazing.) I received a free bag of popcorn. Now when I say popcorn I don't mean, like, popcorn, I mean popcorn. If you have never popped fresh popcorn, shucked (shucked?) dried corn off a cob, and popped it yourself on the stove, you haven't lived. It is the only way to eat popcorn. The point: FREE POPCORN. Absolutely fantastic.
2. Saturday night *may* have been the most epic night of my life. The family traveled to Pittsburgh for Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals. Penguins vs. Canadiens. If a game at (as the previously mentioned) historic Mellon Arena is a White-Out, it is basically a bonanza for paraphernalia lovers such as ourselves. Free t-shirt, free 'rally towel' for everyone who walks in the building. Turns out, I'm awful at waving a towel over my head in a manner that makes it make sense (or keeps it from hitting other spectators), but the point is, anything that says 'Let's Go Pens' and didn't cost me a dime (I know I paid for the ticket) is spectacular.
3. Lastly, after the game, we returned to our hotel for some dinner and some celebratory beverages. Naturally, it ended up being me and S at the hotel bar with about 4 other people. We capped off our evening with a bottle of beer (as opposed to a draft) so we could take it up to our rooms to finish it. Not only did our fantastic bartender give us those beers for free but she then handed us bottles of water AND bags of potato chips because, you know, they would help in the morning and such. Come on friends: Best. Bartender. Ever.
OK, so in this case, maybe just awesome people and awesome circumstances equal great weekends. On the other hand, free stuff doesn't hurt....
Monday, May 3, 2010
At Least I Kind of Feel Like Myself Again
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
An Open Letter
I fully understand your purpose of having club cards so only members can experience your incredible discounts. Not just anybody should be allowed to buy 100 Solo cups for only $7.99. Perks like these should certainly be maintained for only those who take the time to apply for a membership, awkwardly get their picture taken, and then carry around that little plastic card in the case of a wholesale emergency. The point is, I totally understand your 'members only' policy.
That being said, ARE YOU KIDDING ME that I need a death certificate in order close someones membership?! You are neither a bank nor a government agency nor one of the many, many institutions that I would expect to have provide a death certificate to. You sell Nerd Ropes at like 5 cents a pop but you want me to bring you a death certificate to prove that I'm not willy nilly cancelling my family member's account?
All the best,
K. Fahn
P.S. In other (completely related) news, you provide perhaps the best tailgate shopping ever so thank you in advance for what is sure to be a delicious, well supplied weekend.
P.P.S. This household may never have to buy toilet paper or paper towels again so thank you for taking that off my shopping list for, well like, forever.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Morning in the House of God
So here were my thoughts on the way to church:
- Am I appropriately dressed? I mean does this Tommy Hilfiger polo make me look like a skank? Tommy Hilfiger by its very definition is the opposite of skanky right? Maybe I should change? Are turtlenecks OK when it's 60 degrees outside? No? OK, we're going with the polo.
- Can God hear me listening to this music? If so, does he care about the content? Like the songs that came on the radio were Britney Spears' 'Three' and Jimmy Buffet/Alan Jackson 'It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere'. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think threesomes and binge drinking at all hours of the day are things you're supposed to think about in church. Should I find my old Carrie Underwood CD and put on some 'Jesus Take The Wheel'? No? OK, we'll just listen to some commercials, don't think they can get me in too much trouble.
- I curse like a freaking sailor. What if I accidentally start screaming out expletives in the middle of the building? Not that I walk around randomly screaming out the f-word but what if the case of Tourettes I didn't even know I had suddenly appears right now? Will I just immediately spontaneously combust? You are an adult, a grown woman, you can keep yourself from saying nasty words for the hour and a half you are going to be in this building. That and I'm not even sure spontaneously combusting humans are a thing.
I survived. I wore the shirt, no one called me a whore. I listened to what I wanted to in the car and was not struck down in the parking lot. I did not say one word that was unholy while in the building. I consider this to equal one very successful day.
All that being said, you can probably count on me spending the remainder of the day binge drinking, screaming swear words during the Pens game, and laughing at Youtube videos of people falling. That's just the charm of me.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Crazy Stuff Happens While You Post
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
For the Birds
Monday, April 5, 2010
So I Guess I Am 6.
This girl.
Want to know what was in those Easter baskets that took me 10 minutes longer than everyone else in the family to find?
And by DVD's I mean Toy Story 2 and Shrek.
All this makes me feel way better about the big birthday coming up. You really never actually have to grow up. And I apparently have the DVD collection to prove it.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
At Least I'm Not A Six Year Old. Well...
Preparations include not eating meat on Good Friday. Only Good Friday. That's how we did it growing up, that's how we do it now. Only when we were growing up, we actually, you know, went to church during the Lenten season. Now we pretty much just don't eat meat that one time and call it...well, we don't really call it anything. We really just kind of pick that day and don't eat meat.
Like everyone else on the planet, we follow up this deprivation with a giant ham on Sunday. Because there's no way to reward yourself for being good that one day like a huge piece of pig.
The point is, we don't really celebrate Easter. But we do have Easter baskets. Even the Easter's I didn't come home while I was in college, I would get a package with plastic eggs full of Jelly Belly's, Snicker's eggs, you get the idea. And if we are home we get a literal basket with the pastel, plastic grass in it and everything.
All 3 kids are going to be home for Easter this year. I asked if Mom could hide the Easter baskets so we could search for them like when we were kids. This was not a joke. How fun would an Easter basket hunt be?! Yes it can be noted, we are 19, 21 (a week shy of 22), and 24 (a month shy of 25). But seriously, are you telling me you wouldn't have fun with a good old fashioned basket hunt?
Two days after I made this suggestion Mom in passing said, "Do you think you guys are too old for Easter baskets?"
My response? "You realize you're asking the child who a few days ago asked if you would hide her basket so she could find it right? You know, like someone under the age of 10?"
Mom: "Right. Nevermind. ... So, what do you want in your Easter basket?"
If I wake up on Sunday and these baskets are hidden: It. Will. Be. Epic.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Blood Line Continues to Never Disappoint
Naturally, in what is apparently true Fahn fashion, this involved a few beers.
With a Mom to drive me back to Buffalo and a little brother to drive S back to State College, the 21 year olds took advantage and toasted the Pens. This led to a few encounters that may have proven Mom right about how it's difficult to be proud of the beer funneling, keg standing, and flip cupping.
First 2 rounds were on me. (First paycheck put to good use!) Round number 3 was on S. As we were getting ready to get round 4 (our last one, we aren't that bad) S looked to me and said, "I think I'm going to ask Mom for money to contribute to our drinking fund!" And thus she promptly turned to Mom and literally said, "Hey Mom, want to contribute to our drinking fund? We need a twenty!"
Rolling her eyes, Mom went into her wallet, handed us $25, and asked us to get her a water. At the close of the period we got up to go to the restroom and then get our beers. Mom decided to come with us. Naturally, the guy at the beer stand looked at us and as he began to pour said, "2 Bud Lights?" Naturally, Mom rolled her eyes and responded, "Yep, of course they want 2 Bud Lights but they also need a water this time. As you could probably guess, the water is not for them."
As we walked back to our seats she looked at us and said, "So you guys pretty much make friends with whoever is serving the beer everywhere you go don't you?" After a moment of pondering the only real answer we could come up with was, "Yep."
So, maybe she has a point, but: shouldn't she also be proud that we're like really, really good at making friends? It's not like everyone gets remembered by the beer stand guy. We were special.
Or maybe we were just frequent fliers....
UPDATE: Mom came home today with a bottle of Jameson so we can take victory shots (there was nowhere to take them after the game) this weekend when the the kids come home for Easter. At least we know we totally get it from somewhere.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tales Of A Productive Day
- Gave myself a manicure. So happy to have found 'You Don't Know Jacques!' in a store. God Bless Duane Reade.
- Went to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Office to officially register for the marathon. Only I drove right past the office park because Google Maps told me it was next to the Red Lobster across the street. So I drove in circles around what was clearly just a Red Lobster parking lot, ignoring the office park right across the street (where something like the LLS office would obviously be) for a good 5 minutes. Finally realizing my error, I drove across the street, parked, and was then unable to let myself into the very public building. Seriously, could not open the door. Door said pull, I pulled, I swear it wouldn't budge. Actually had to call my friend who works at the LLS to let me in. Yes, I do have a college degree.
- Went to the Verizon store because after updating the software on my Blackberry the icon that allowed me to lock the the keyboard disapeered. Just into thin air, gone. Being able to lock one's phone is crucial. Purse dialing the wrong person can lead to epic amounts of embarrasment. Epic. Turns out, all you have to do now is just push the mute button on the top of the phone. "It was part of the upgrade," the eye rolling, ever so superior Verizon employee said. Well, Verizon/RIM: perhaps if you included that information with the upgrade, I would know that. I've generally always thought mute button = phone muted, not phone locked. Am I wrong here? No.
- Had a very successful trip to Wegman's, even bought my mom flowers. (I know Daughter of the Year Award, coming up.) (OK, yes, technically she was paying for the groceries so she kind of bought herself flowers but it's the thought that counts here people.) Then I got to the checkout counter. Whoever you are checkout lady, YOU HAVE A SERIOUS BAG WASTING PROBLEM! It took probably over 10 minutes for me to checkout with no more than 30 items because this woman put about 2 items in each bag. Literally. Two. Items. A Bag.
- I then had a fantastic day at work and came home to cook Mom and I dinner. Potato-Thyme Tart? Absolutely fantastic. Cheddar Crusted Chicken? Burnt to high hell. Damn you industrial strength stove in way too small kitchen. Damn you. (Yes, it was the stove's fault, not user error.)
- I've decided since I've resorted to self-diagnosing my 'sprained ankle' and since, you know, I'm like, an adult, I should probably get myself some health insurance. After some very serious research I found a plan I'd like to give a whirl. I tried to print the application tonight. It took 2 people, 20 minutes, 2 (of 4! What kind of home printer has 4 ink cartridges?) print cartridges, a pair of scissors, and a flashlight to get the document to finish printing.
So maybe today wasn't such a productive day? Or maybe it was just in a really stupid, roundabout, areyoukiddingme?, seriously?, and whyme? kind of way. Yeah. We'll go with that one.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Because That Granola I Had For Breakfast Makes This Totally OK
The life long love for cooking means I eat at home at nearly every meal, even pre-move, so I know where all my food comes from and what's in it. When I eat, I tend to eat small portions. I try to have only one glass of soda a day, if that, and mainly drink just water. Recently, I've even been adding things like ground chicken and turkey into my repertoire, trying to eat more fish, always have a vegetable or a salad with lots of veggies in it with dinner, etc. The point is: I'm really a decently healthy eater.
Tonight, after dinner, I decided I wanted a little something sweet. I went into the freezer and had a fruit bar, literally pureed, frozen fruit, arguably the healthiest dessert ever, in my hand. That's when I spotted the bag of frozen mini-Snickers.
Can you guess what won? Slash can you guess how many of those little guys won?
Did I mention the 1/4 pound of peanut M&M's I ate work today? Yeah.....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Now This is A Blood Line To Be Proud Of

Thursday, March 18, 2010
God Bless Target Employees
1. Yes! Nothing better than a parking spot next to the cart corral. Seriously. Anytime I go anywhere a cart will be involved my parking decisions are based on the cart corrals, not how far I am from the door. Nothing worse than already being at your car and having to walk the cart back 3 miles. Those of you who don't return your carts, shame.
2. Paper towels are on sale! And I need to pick up paper towels! Little victories.
3. I have a 10% off coupon which means I can buy 8 giant rolls of paper towels, 4 boxes of tissues and an iPod for under $100. This. Is. Amazing.
(You can imagine how happily I'm walking out of the store at this point. I had checked out in the back at the electronics counter so the only thing between me and the car ride home was walking from electronics, past the cash registers, to my car.) (Also, I realize the aforementioned statements make me seem about 30 years older than I am but I think it's a well established fact that I'm kind of a 65 year old trapped in a 24 year old body.)
4. How did I get my cart so stuck between this pole and this refrigerator full of Pepsi products that a Target team member had to come get me unstuck from this situation? Seriously. I couldn't move forward, I couldn't move backward. And no amount of shaking, pulling, or lifting the cart was rectifying the situation. Who designed the checkout aisles so that their carts could not fit through them? And who made the carts so wide that you can't fit them through the checkout aisles?
Needless to say I walked out of Target a little more than embarrassed. If I hadn't had that parking spot to go back to it would have been a miserable situation...
Friday, March 12, 2010
I Am Woman. No, Seriously Mom, I Am.
As it turns out, I couldn't give her a really good answer one way or the other. Clearly, no, I am not a boy. But you know, if people (particularly your own mother) are asking you that, you can't help but feel some sort of confusion. This was not a 'I'm going to get an operation' kind of confused. Just you know, bamboozled confused. Thought that should be clear.
Well, I have decided that I am, unequivocally, a woman. How did I come to this realization? (Aside, from you know, the last 25 years of bras and heels and dresses and the want for an engagement ring not because I want to be married but because I want a really pretty piece of something sparkly.) Of course, New York Magazine comes through again. I read the following quote from an interview with Mad Men's Christina Hendricks:
"It is perhaps ironic then that Hendricks actually started out as a model - catalogues, mostly, but there was one season on the London runway that ended when her agent said, "Darling, did your boobs grow?" (One imagines that future season might see the question posed in the opposite direction.)"
Because, really, that question is so much better to be asked if you are a woman as opposed to being asked as a man. And trust me, I've been asked that question more than anyone.
Oh, and hopefully one day that question is posed in the opposite direction. And that'll be one point for the big girls.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
How Ryan Seacrest Ruined My Day
Today I chose to listen to the radio. I generally only listen to the radio when the siblings are home from school as one of those siblings chooses the radio for shower time. Epic mistake.
I turned the radio on to the last minute of a song I hate. Then Ryan Seacrest came on and said something stupid about cougars. (The Mrs. Robinson kind, not the animal. Is that implied these days?) Then it immediately cut to commercial.
This may seem like a silly thing to be so upset about that you feel compelled to write about it but, I mean, it is the little things in life. Isn't it?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Turns Out, I'm Not That Crazy
I read in a magazine today that Taylor Swift Twittered something to the effect of, "I just used a Sharpie as eyeliner in the airplane bathroom."
This officially makes using a Sharpie to color your few, stray, grey hairs really not so weird at all. In fact, it almost makes it downright normal. I mean, I know putting it on your hair can't be like, really, really good for it, but, I figure you can multiply that by like 10 for your face. There is definitely no way that is good for your face. Not to mention how much face washing it would take to get that off. I feel as though one would need a chemical peel to completely remove it. This does, however, lead me to believe there is something to be said for getting your eyeliner just tattooed on your face. Which someone once in fact thought I had done as I have mad skills at putting eyeliner on. (Seriously. I said it. I don't have a ton going for me so, little victories.)
In other news: I pretty sure this also makes Sharpie markers the most versatile beauty product I've heard of since I learned you could use conditioner as a fabulous replacement for shaving cream.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sid v. America v. My Head v. My Heart
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Best. News. Ever.
If you or anyone you know would like to take me on a date to any of the participating restaurants, feel free to contact me at anytime. I have the whole week available.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Easily One of the Stranger Conversations I've Ever Had
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Where Adults GoTo Play
My, my how the times have changed.
OK, not really. Actually it's exactly the same. Except now, I'm 2 months shy of being 25. And Lasertron has a bar. A bar with $2 beers. Despite my extraordinary resistance to anything involving running around with a vest and attached lasergun, it's hard to pass up $2 beers. Especially because, come on, it's Lasertron. There's something entirely backwards (and hilarious) about me at the bar sucking down Blue Lights just to cope with the reality of my Friday night while a 13 year old is making a desperate stab at Dance Dance Revolution just to my left.
So yes, a group effort between .Net, The Goat, Da Kriski, Captain Solo, and El Nino got me into this mess. Let it be known I am an excellent defensive player (take that Captain Solo) and that the red team was born to win. Oh the tales of suburban adulthood....
Friday, February 19, 2010
Follow This!
I know no one really cares what I think. I know I don't care that much about what anyone else has to say. But maybe you do care what I think. And maybe I do want to know what other people have to say. Otherwise this digital universe wouldn't have taken off right? I mean, the world of social media is the world is it not?
OK, so enough philosophical blathering about whatever it is that that just was, the point: I Twitter now. So this page will be changing a little bit so you can see everything that happens, all the time. I can see the smiles on your faces now...
Sidenote: I know this makes me crazy. Never claimed I was anything but.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Everywhere I Go. Everywhere.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
There's Something About Getting Away
This is not one of those days.
Today we do wax poetic and we do so about traveling. I have only seen half of Up in the Air (coincidentally this past weekend) but I can tell you I am 100% a kindred spirit of George Clooney's character. There is something to be said for knowing how to travel because if you know how to do it, there is nothing better. You hate airports? I love them. You can't sleep on a plane? I'm out like a light. You think hotels are gross? I'm well known for stealing all the toiletries because I love to reuse them. I also have a rule of thumb: If you know someone who lives somewhere and they are willing to put you up for a few days, DO IT. There are not going to be an unlimited number of times you are going to be able to find a place to stay, not only at no cost, but with people who can show you a place for what it really is, not for what everyone else sees. Also, when else do you have the opportunity to cruise through 5 issues of New York magazine cover to cover. When?!
It had been a while since I had been anywhere, sans a quick overnight in Philly, followed by a weekend in State College, and I have been itiching to get out. We all know I love, love, love Buffalo but that doesn't mean you can stay here 365 days a year.
So one Gchat conversation, a spin around the Orbitz website, six pairs of shoes packed for 4 days, and it was done. Impromptu weekend in Denver was set. Details will follow about the fabulousness, but this is simply here to say, how wonderful it is to get away.
(That was not meant to be so emo that it rhymed but I guess if we're going down the rabbit hole, we may as well really jump down there....)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Things I've Thought About And/Or Learned

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
This Is A Post About Literally Nothing. Literally. Nothing.
1. Bowling a 53. Yeah, it happened.
2. Training on a treadmill in your basement for your half-marathon. Really, it's just watching DVD's in motion. (Just traded 2 seasons of The Office for my friend JK's first 2 seasons of Dawson's Creek. It's amaaaaaaaazing.) (Like I've said, I expected better stories about this. I thought I was going to be one of those people on The Biggest Loser who just bites it on the treadmill. Seriously, I think my Mom cleans the basement while I run because she fears I might spontaneously combust or something.)
3. Applying to jobs such as electrian, automotive technician, and graphic designer.
4. Menu planning and cooking dinner for you and your Mom like the Pres and Michelle are coming over to break bread.
Seriously, that's my life ever since the running epiphany.
So, I guess I kind of turned that into a story. But, not really.
Monday, February 1, 2010
You Win All You Fit, Happy People. You Win.
I should also mention that I have always thought people who wax poetic about how running makes them feel great (emotionally, endorphins and such), are pretty much full of it. Preparing for this run I had a whole post brewing in my head about how the running didn't really help make me feel better but the Jameson and the Ben & Jerry's did and thusly, I am right and you are all wrong.
Resisting my want to bag the run and head for the bar, I ran.
And honestly, I apologize. You were not all full of shit all this time. In fact, you all may have been right all along. I feel wonderful and my morning troubles have been nicely tucked away into a tiny box, never to be opened again.
All this does not mean I will not be returning for Monday night bowling and beers. Baby steps here people. Baby steps and rewarding oneself for being great.